In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Andy Mabbett

>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tantek Çelik

>>Syntactically the URI would still work, however, semantically it would have
>>been broken, that is, it is bad to not only change URIs so that they 404 and
>>just plain don't work, but it is also bad to change the *meaning* of that
>On the contrary, the meaning of the URL would remain the same, and be
>more relevant to the content at that URL. For example:
>        <>
>is "the wiki page about the hCard microformat", with no reference to
>the specification; that would be:
>        <>
>>As Brian pointed out, the URLs for hCard, hCalendar, hReview etc. all *mean*
>>the *specification*.
>That's an assertion, for which you have provided no evidence; I'm
>calling you on it (see also above).

Points neatly underlined by the existence and use of:


Andy Mabbett
            *  Say "NO!" to compulsory UK ID Cards:  <>
            *  Free Our Data:  <>
            *  Are you using Microformats, yet: <> ?

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