On 9/24/07, Taylor Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I received some good feedback from delicious about why rel-tag isn't being 
> used.  One point that was made is that rel-tag only describes the page it's 
> on, not a particular link or other external content...and unfortunately the 
> wiki doc echoes the concern
> http://microformats.org/wiki/hreview
> "tags:: Tags are represented using a list of keywords or phrases (using the 
> rel-tag microformat for each individual keyword or phrase tag) that the 
> reviewer associates with the item."
> I'd have said "rel-tag modifies the page it's on or the nearest 
> microformatted content parent that supports tags (hReview, xFolk, hfeed, 
> hentry), whichever comes first".  The advantage being that verbiage like that 
> can be translated into parsing without too much thought.
> Taylor

The key is that rel-tag is about the page or substantial part of the
page, while hreview makes the subject clear.  You can provide the
fullname/URI of the subject.

Also, your suggestion would require parsers to know about every
microformat container that supports tags.  That becomes a real challenge
for parsers to know about future microformats that may support tagging.

We've had discussions along these lines before.  At one point, someone
suggested adding a top level classname that would serve as a kind of
keyword flag to let parsers know how to apply the rel-tag.  However, we
never reached consensus on the need or the solution. (search for
scoping discussions)

Perhaps delicious' problems with rel-tag is a good enough concrete case
to renew discussion?

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