2008/6/29 Henri Sivonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I looked at
> http://microformats.org/wiki/assistive-technology-abbr-results#Invalid_HTML4 ,
> and I found that HTML5 <time> isn't listed even as having been considered
> and rejected.
> HTML5 includes <time> pretty much exactly to make it unnecessary to use the
> abbr design pattern for datetimes. Are there any plans to upgrade the POSH
> principle to treat valid HTML5 as an acceptable basis for microformats?

The BBC can't use HTML5.  It won't validate, it doesn't adhere to
their standards and guidelines or their browser support levels.  It
simply isn't an option for them (and many other companies).

A core principle of microformats is that they should work with the
technologies available and in use *now* (HTML5 isn't widely supported
and isn't even a w3c recommendation yet).

Frances Berriman
microformats-discuss mailing list

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