Notice that they have an itemscope in HTML5, something many people talked about on for years. A few years ago it was brought up on a regular basis by newcomers, about twice a year; said newcomers were then driven out of the community. So there was discussion, just not very nice nor very productive. When I worked for Alexa, I had actual parsing uses-cases for such a feature as well as publishing use-cases and I was one of those newcomers, not the first and not the last. Not everyone tried to follow the process but I did, to the same end. After everything, the elitism of turned me off to the whole effort. That's not to say isn't full of nice, intelligent people — it is — just that I decided not to waste my time trying to be in the cabal. And this email is not intended to beat a dead horse, just to share my own experiences. ~D

On 6/29/2011 2:55 AM, thomas lörtsch wrote:
Hi all,

I don't want to discuss the effort in general here, although there surely 
is a lot to discuss about it. My question is how collaboration between and is organized, where it's taking place, who is involved. I'm sure 
there is and has always been some informal exchange, since people happen to know each 
other, meet at confernces or other events etc, and of course that's fine with me. I 
was wondering though when I read the following statement in a transcript of the BOF at SemTech 

Kevin Marks: Microformats says have a discussion first. You did that with 
hRecipe, so I'm surprsed to see you didnt go through that here. That'a the 
difference in phsilophy
Tantek Çelik: Google (Kavi in particular!) successfully worked with the open 
community on both hReview-aggregate and hRecipe - openly.
Kevin Marks: hRecipe was a great example of how Google can do this.

This sounds like quite some conversations, discussions and thorough work. Now I wonder: how specifically did 
that "great" and "successfull" work "with the open community" go? Where did it 
take place? Who was involved? And what exactly was worked out?
I won't hesitate to admit that I wasn't a very good editor of hRecipe since summer 2009 
but I still am the editor as indicated on the hRecipe wikipage. I wasn't contacted by 
anyone regarding Rich Snippets, or any other Google activity. Also I couldn't 
find any mention on the mailinglists or on the wiki. So, please: what's going on, what 
did I miss? Or how is this "open"?

Since now promotes a recipe vocabulary that is slightly different 
from hRecipe and also more elaborated I would like to discuss what to do about 
that: maybe analyze the differences, observe uptake, then align hRecipe where 
appropriate etc. But before I start to work on that I'd like to understand what 
happened until now.

Thomas Lörtsch

°|´<  in pursuit of the gestalt of it all />

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