Martin McEvoy wrote:

     Parser Processing Notes

   * It is important to understand that ITEM is an opaque element. When
     processing the ITEM element, none of the properties of the child
     hAudio should be pulled into the parent hAudio. However, it is
     recommended that child hAudio /SHOULD/ inherit the following
     parent hAudio properties, if they are not specified on the child:
         o album
         o contributor
         o category
         o published
         o photo

...None of the above properties Should be inherited from the parent hAudio, Item is Not opaque when it does "inherit" all those extra properties and is something unknown to the way current microformats work, If Item is changed to have the ability to glean properties from the parent, then there is nothing opaque about it.

The more I look at what Item intends to do the more I am realizing that we are reusing the wrong property

Agent from hcard suits our purpose better its just the name that may cause Issues

3.5.4 AGENT Type Definition

"A key characteristic of the Agent type is that it
  represents somebody or something that is separately addressable."


I don't know If that can be applied to haudio though would be interesting if it could :-)


Martin McEvoy

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