On 3/8/2018 7:48 AM, Faisal Imtiaz wrote:
> I think you are being presumptuous that if someone has a 4 Byte ASN they have 
> to have a 64 bit community.
> Standard BGP communities are defined as 32bit, using the ASN as the first 
> part of the community is only a BEST Practices and not a Technical 
> Requirement.
> i.e. there is nothing stopping you to have a community defined in your 
> network where the first part is not your ASN.
According to all of the documentation I've found, the first 2 bytes must 
be the ASN of the network the community is being sent to. Following what 
documentation says is not "presumptuous", it's following documentation.

> Extended BGP Communities can be 64 bit, and yes current version of MT does 
> not support them.
I did see that extended BGP communities aren't yet supported, which is 

> Having said that, I would suggest that you contact your upstream and ask them 
> if they have a Standard 32 Bit Community which would allow you to do what you 
> need.

They said 'we don't support communities'; I got the impression they 
weren't familiar with BGP communities, as it took about six emails to 
explain it. I was hoping to just try it and see if their network would 
pass on assigned communities through the advertisements, hoping that 
other networks might abide by them.

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