On Thu, 2009-03-19 at 17:39 -0400, Josh Luthman wrote:
> In my experince this is caused by half duplex equipment (which was
> already checked and replaced with switches I have used often).  The
> issue still remiands, however.

It is typical that a duplex mismatch will cause this type of issue.  It
is not always the case, however.  If there is a wireless link in the
path, then there is a half duplex link, but maybe no duplex mismatch.

> It was suggested to me to change the MTU for qos reasons.  Is this a
> likely solution?  If so how will it help if I do this at the
> customer's router?  How would I put this into the firewall?

Well, when a wireless link is involved, the benefit to changing MTU is
somewhat cloudy and often not the right approach.  Changing the MTU on a
wireless link (I'm assuming it is wireless) will have a couple of
significant impacts that you need to be aware of before you attempt
this.  If you have traffic coming into the router on (for example)
ether1 and leaving on wlan1, you must recognize that the MTU for both of
those networks will be different.  This is not a huge issue, but for
every packet that comes into the router on ether1 that is larger than
the MTU on wlan1, it will have to be segmented to be delivered.  Again
not a big issue, but it will impact CPU on both ends of the wireless
link.  This effect will cause a higher packet rate on the wireless
network, which may or may not be desirable. Additionally, if the AP on
this wireless link is a PtMP network, then all devices connected to the
AP must change their MTU as well (because the AP will need to be
changed, too).  

The reason MTU changes MAY help out depends on the wireless link.  If
the link, or more specifically the wireless network, is seeing a
significant number of retransmissions (anything over about 3-5%), then
changing the MTU has a chance of helping.  Keep in mind the higher
packet rate mentioned earlier, because that will have a potentially
severe negative impact on the network behavior. Either way, the theory
is that if I am retransmitting every 1 of 10 packets, if I make the MTU
smaller, then I am retransmitting a much smaller volume of data.  In
other words, if MTU=1500 and I retransmit 1/10 packets, then I am
retransmitting 1500/150k bytes.  If the MTU is 1000 with the same 1/10,
I am retransmitting 1000/100k bytes.  Same ratio, but fewer bytes being
retransmitted.  That's the theory anyway.  My experience is that MTU
changes usually have either no impact at all or a negative impact.

To change the MTU, you would do something like:
/interface wireless set wlan1 mtu=1000 mru=1000

Note that MRU is a similar parameter, but will tell the interface what
size packet it can receive.  

* Butch Evans                   * Professional Network Consultation*
* http://www.butchevans.com/    * Network Engineering              *
* http://www.wispa.org/         * WISPA Board Member               *
* http://blog.butchevans.com/   * Wired or Wireless Networks       *

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