于 2011/11/23 5:51, Ruben Van Boxem 写道:
> I'm attempting to make Arch user packages for MinGW-w64, but it seems 
> I'm failing miserably.
> Although I'm using the exact same (more or less) steps as in my 
> Personal build scripts, the cross-compiler's libstdc++ (and probably 
> all other runtime libs) contain no symbols, which makes linking to 
> them useless, i.e. undefined references all over the place.
> Specifically, linking a C++ iostream "Hello world!" program produces 
> undefined references to ios_base stuff *and* ___chkstk_ms (which 
> should be in libgcc?)
     ___chkstk_ms is a part of Microsoft Windows CRT
> I am using binutils 2.21.1a (latest official release) and GCC 4.6.2 
> and MinGW-w64 2.0.1 (although this last one should be unrelated).
> I'll try an unreleased version of binutils next, see if that 
> automagically makes all my troubles go away :/
     You can use nm to see the size and symbols of libstdc++.dll.a, I 
think it's the dlltool's issue.
     BTW, you can try binutils 2.22 release.

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