I have some (non-asm) questions about _lrotr (long rotate right).

1. Looking at intrin.h, it uses a #ifdef __x86_64__ to change the
parameters between LONG32 and LONG64. But that doesn't seem right. Shouldn't it be looking at __LP64__? Since this is mapped to
   msvcr*.dll in the .def files, will this even work correctly?
2. If we play this game with the #ifdef, that leaves no methods for 32
   bit rotations under LP64.  There will be 8, 16, and 2 different
   functions for 64bit (_lrotr and _rotr64). Are we sure that's what we
3. Also in intrin.h, it uses #pragma push_macro ("_lrotr") and #undef
   _lrotr.  As I understand it, these both only apply to macros, and
   _lrotr is not a macro. I think this should be deleted.

I realize that the "l" in _lrotr is supposed to stand for long. However, I believe it should still perform a 32bit rotation, even under LP64. That would give us:

unsigned char     _rotr8 (unsigned char     _val, int _Shift);
unsigned short    _rotr16(unsigned short    _val, int _Shift);
unsigned __LONG32 _lrotr (unsigned __LONG32_val, int _Shift);
unsigned __int64  _rotr64(unsigned __int64  _val, int _Shift);

Note that mingw-w64-headers\crt\stdlib.h and mingw-w64-headers\include\winnt.h do the same thing.

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