> As for LLP64 long isn't 64-bit wide, we need to override it.

Except that we don't override it.  As written, every 64bit compile turns 
_lrotr into a 64bit operation, regardless of the actual size of a long.  
And calling _lrotr with a 32bit value and having it do a 64bit rotate 
does not yield the correct answer.

Despite my earlier statements, I now believe that the problem is in 
ia32intrin.h.  Instead of using __x86_64__ to determine whether to use 
the 64bit rotate, it should be using __LP64__, __SIZEOF_LONG__, or some 

> please note that changing of these headers
> in gcc was already tried by me in the past and was rejected.

I assume your patch was something like this 
(http://pastebin.com/0KHDDXie)? Determining the length of a long using 
standard defines seems pretty basic.  What was the objection?

> So we need to work-a-round that.
> please tell how to resolve difference between gcc's and MS
> intrinsic-defintion.

If they absolutely refuse to make any change here, then we could replace 
our code with something like this:

#if __SIZEOF_LONG__ == 8

#pragma push_macro ("_lrotr")
#undef _lrotr
     __MACHINE(__MINGW_EXTENSION unsigned long long __cdecl 
_lrotr(unsigned long long,int))
#pragma pop_macro ("_lrotr")


#undef _lrotr
     __MACHINE(unsigned __LONG32 __cdecl _lrotr(unsigned __LONG32,int))
#define _lrotr(a,b)        __rord((a), (b))


This will use the existing logic when longs are 8 bytes long (ie 
cygwin), and re-map the call to the correct function if it is 4 bytes 
(native windows).  This should work correctly for x86, x64, and cygwin.

> So I have strong doubts about the intend of your patch.

Sorry about that.  I missed the fact that all this was being done in 
ia32intrin.h.  Since a scan of the entire mingw-w64 tree didn't find any 
of these functions, I just assumed it was using msvcr*.dll for 
everything.  Hopefully I'm making more sense this time.


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