c:\mingw64\bin\../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.7.1/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/include/intrin.h:235:5: error: declaration of C function 'long int _InterlockedDecrement(volatile long int*)' conflicts with

4. winnt.h includes intrin.h where all the Interlocked<something> funcs are declared 6. in winbase.h around line 805 the Interlocked<something> funcs are declared again

The error message doesn't seem to be complaining because they are declared "again." Having 2 prototypes for the same function is not necessarily a problem. As long as they are the same. This message seems to be saying that the definitions are different.

Since you say the definitions are in intrin and winbase (instead of intrin-impl.h), you are not using a real recent build of mingw-w64. Can you post the two conflicting lines? Perhaps I'll be able to offer a clue.

At a guess, there's some type of issue with long vs long32. Is sizeof(long) 32 or 64?

It might also be worth looking at the -E output. Perhaps you are grabbing intrin.h and winbase.h from different mingw-w64 builds?

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