On 9/20/2014 8:07 AM, André Hentschel wrote:
> Am 19.09.2014 um 17:30 schrieb Kai Tietz:
>> 2014-09-19 1:34 GMT+02:00 dw <limegreenso...@yahoo.com>:
>>> For the parts that are "working around a compiler bug":
>>> - Does it make sense to list the bug number in the comment?
>> I think it makes sense in general.  Only important thing should be to
>> mark bug-number, that it belongs to SF bug-tracker.  We might want to
>> change in future bug-tracker and so we would loose relation.
>>> - If the bug has been fixed, what about using __GNUC__ and __GNUC_MINOR__ to
>>> limit the code?
>> Well, depends on the nature of code.  If it is a general bug-fix, then
>> I don't see the need for __GNUC__/__GNUC_MINOR__ guarding (btw we have
>> in _mingw.h some helper-macros for checking easier gcc-version).
>> For compiler-specific bugs, it makes sense.  Only questional point
>> here is how we treat reviews for new-compilers, as the reason for
>> compiler-related bug-fixes might be resolved in future version.
>>> dw
>> Kai
> I guess the problem might be related to the early state of changes to gcc for 
> armv7-pe support, so i don't see a point in reporting a bug

I'm just envisioning someone looking at this code many years from now 
trying to figure out why it is there and whether it is still needed.  A 
bug number is a simple way to convey this information, but there are others.


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