在 2018/11/23 上午10:37, Edward Diener 写道
> I do not believe I am trying to upgrade an MSYS2 package. Rather I am
> trying to fix a mingw-64/gcc-8.1 installation in Windows itself so that
> the binutils part of the installation can be replaced by the fixed
> component(s). In particular I am trying to upgrade the ld.exe in the
> installation so that it performs the link correctly even for clang. I

Then you can try extracting LD.EXE from the built package, without
installing it using `pacman -U`.

> don't mind creating another completely separate mingw-64/gcc-8.1
> installation under MSYS2 which works natively under Windows if
> necessary, as long as it contains the fix. Does this make any difference
> in your instructions ?

The installation directory seems hard-coded to `/mingw32` or `/mingw64`.
As mentioned above, you can always extract `.tar.xz` packages by hand
and I don't think there is any difference.

> Also when doing things within MSYS2 am I opening
> the MSYS2 MSYS prompt or am I opening the MSYS2 MingW 32-bit or MSYS2
> MingW 64-bit prompts ? I am on a 64-bit machine. From what I understand
> about MSYS2 the MingW 32-bit and MingW 64-bit prompts allow me to create
> native Windows applications, but I do not understand the difference
> between using either of the two.

In the MSYS2 shell `gcc` refers to the GCC compiling for MSYS2, in the
MinGW32 shell `gcc` refers to the gcc compiling for i686-w64-mingw32,
and in the MinGW64 shell `gcc` refers to the gcc compiling for
x86_64-w64-mingw32. The system roots for these subsystems are '/usr',
'/mingw32' and '/mingw64' respectively.

`makepkg-mingw` should be run in a MSYS2 shell to prevent unexpected
interference of 32 and 64 bit programs, but I haven't tried running it
in a MinGW32 or MinGW64 shell. Honestly I build packages mostly in CMD
(I only ever tried building something in the MSYS2 shell a couple of times).

Best regards,

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