On 11/24/2018 5:18 PM, Earnie via Mingw-w64-public wrote:
On 11/24/2018 3:17 PM, Edward Diener wrote:
Is there anywhere a description of the files in a mingw-w64 distribution, with perhaps an explanation of whether any given file is used at compile, link, run-time, and/or for some other purpose ?

What exactly are you trying to determine?  If a file is used at runtime it will be in {usr,mingw32,mingw64}/bin directory.  If a file is required for the build process you will find it in {usr,mingw32,mingw64}/lib and perhaps under {usr,mingw32,mingw64}/{i686,x86_64}-{pc,w64}-{msys,mingw32}/* directories.

Yet there are many more directories in any given mingw-w64 distribution I have installed using the mingw-w64-install.exe program. What is the purpose of those other files if they are not being used at either compile, link, or run-time ? In other words why would a binary distribution of mingw-w64 have files that the end-user will never use ?

You can use `pacman -Qo FILE` to determine which package a file is related to.  You can then use `pacman -Qi PACKAGE` to get a description of the package.  If a program is executable, usually add --help or sometimes -h or perhaps -? will give a description of the executable purpose and options.

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