在 2019/2/27 19:20, Ruslan Garipov 写道:
> In August of 2011[1] Microsoft announced deprecation of the Microsoft
> OLE DB Provider for SQL Server.  But in October of 2017 Microsoft had to
> undeprecate[2] OLE DB data access technology releasing the ``Microsoft
> OLE DB Driver for SQL Server'' known as ``msoledbsql''.
> This commit adds the ``msoledbsql'' API to mingw-w64 -- the only OLE DB
> data access solution supported and maintained by Microsoft now.
> To provide class/interface identifiers msoledbsql.h in this commit uses
> the same technique as, for example, mingw-w64's sqloledb.h file, i.e. it
> uses the `DBINITCONSTANTS` guard to define identifiers only in one
> module.  Original Microsoft's files (both msoledbsql.h from the new API
> and sqloledb.h from Microsoft Windows 10 SDK) use
> `__declspec(selectany)` to move that "burden" to the linker.
> [1]: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/sqlnativeclient/2011/08/29/
> microsoft-is-aligning-with-odbc-for-native-relational-data-access/
> [2]: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/sqlnativeclient/2017/10/06/
> announcing-the-new-release-of-ole-db-driver-for-sql-server/
> Signed-off-by: Ruslan Garipov <ruslanngari...@gmail.com>
> ---

The patch looks good, but it does apply cleanly to the master branch.
Please rebase this work against master, create another patch, then send
it again.

The x86 import library was absent. I have attached an (albeit untested)
one, generated using 'gendef' from the x86 DLL.

Best regards,
; Definition file of msoledbsql.dll
; Automatic generated by gendef
; written by Kai Tietz 2008
LIBRARY "msoledbsql.dll"
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