On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 05:43, Achim Blumensath wrote:
> Hello,
> Lev Bishop wrote:
>> The \textasteriskcentered is not actually centered. This is a problem
>> because when you use it as a footnote symbol it gets superscripted
>> again, ending up with a very small footnote symbol. This happens for
>> example if you \usepackage{fixltx2e}.
> For a quick fix, you could define
>  \renewcommand\textasteriskcentered{$*$}

Thanks. That works.

>> Also, on the topic of asterisks, is there any chance to get
>> six-pointed asterisks added to MnSymbol?
> Sorry, no. The five-pointed version was the choice of the designer of
> MinionPro. As far as I remember, this is typical for renaissance fonts.

I must say that I expected this response :-) But allow me one attempt
to persuade you to reconsider...

I can understand the choice of 5-pointed asterisk for marking
footnotes, but I really think it seems wrong for the mathematical
asterisks to be anything other than six-pointed. I see that at least
one typographer agrees with me on this point:
http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb27-0/kuster.pdf . "...most fonts
already contain an asterisk * (U+002A), but normally the latter is not
suitable for math, which uses a larger version, six-pointed..."

And I see that all the fonts I have that contain the Unicode
mathematical asterisk (U+2217) have it with a 6-pointed form. There
are some fonts which use 5-pointed regular asterisks but six-pointed
mathematical asterisks (for example the fonts from the Lucida family).

Please consider to use the same model as is done with Lucida: keep the
original Slimbach text asterisk but for the mathematical asterisks use
a six-pointed form.

Well, if I failed to change your mind, it's ok. But I thought I should try.

Lev Bishop
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