
I've been hacking the scripts of the great MinionPro package to support 
other fonts -- at the moment mainly Myriad Pro. Here is the result:


I think for some purposes this gives reasonable results. My modifications 
so far:

* support of MyriadPro: math and text; tuned accent positions of italic 
roman letters and of italic and upright greek letters; use scaled swash 
letters of CronosPro as mathcal; loadable with eg MinionPro

* text only support of CronosPro

* fixed typo in MinionPro.dtx connected with microtype; take kerning 
information of accents and swash letters into account

(maybe a change in the LCDF typetools made the last point necessary)

Obviously, there is still work to do. One of the major points is the 
ability to use the scripts with lcdf typetools > 2.69.  I was somehow 
able to identify the cause why the adjust-oml gives an error for the 
accent positions for the letters eg rho1, beta1, etc for me: as far as I 
can see, the to vpl converted tfms do include less letters which might 
be the letters which cause the problems..... However, it is strange that 
on some systems there is no problem at all; I was not able to find the 
difference between these systems...

The major points connected with MyriadPro is the adaptation of MnSymbol 
for MyriadPro. So far, I did not have the time to look at it.  In 
addition, I did not succeed to tune the accent position of upright roman 
letters in math mode. The UP* information in adjust-oml.mtx seems to be 
connected to mathnormal... On the other hand, kerning pairs including 
the german double ss which is meant as the skew character in the setup 
(and which works with the swash letters of MinionPro) did not have any 
effect, either...

Furthermore, the scale option I implemented does not correctly use the 
font size to choose which optical weight to select. The decision is made 
and then the font is scaled. I'll have to look at that later... Anyway, 
it's a not a big deal for the correction factor of 1.05 I need for 
CronosPro's swash for Myriad...

Everyone is invited to try the scripts. Anyone with an idea to solve the 
mentioned problems is also. :D


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