Commit ID:      10054EE8D2C63B0FF90
CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    X11
Changes by:    2015/02/26 03:05:34 UTC

Modified files:

Log message:
so people won’t rely on it, make -cde reset -Gg; also, kill +F

future will bring -F as special case, -e as special codepath
(for handling partial bdfc(c/eU/eA) to bdfc(eU/eA) conversion)
and everything else (-BbcdeGg) output format selectors with
arbitrary (BDF/bdfc(c/e)) input; -F will no longer require -d

To generate a diff of this changeset, execute the following commands:
cvs -R rdiff -kk -upr1.16 -r1.17 X11/extras/bdfctool/

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