Commit ID:      100586E57085BB3C8FE
CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    X11
Changes by:    2017/01/05 14:24:07 UTC

Modified files:
        xc/programs/xterm: button.c charproc.c input.c misc.c ptydata.c xterm.h

Log message:
quick hack to make xterm transmit as many chars to the pty at one time as 
fixes mcabber not reading UTF-8 correctly

To generate a diff of this changeset, execute the following commands:
cvs -R rdiff -kk -upr1.3 -r1.4 X11/xc/programs/xterm/button.c
cvs -R rdiff -kk -upr1.5 -r1.6 X11/xc/programs/xterm/charproc.c
cvs -R rdiff -kk -upr1.4 -r1.5 X11/xc/programs/xterm/input.c
cvs -R rdiff -kk -upr1.7 -r1.8 X11/xc/programs/xterm/misc.c
cvs -R rdiff -kk -upr1.3 -r1.4 X11/xc/programs/xterm/ptydata.c
cvs -R rdiff -kk -upr1.6 -r1.7 X11/xc/programs/xterm/xterm.h

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