Op 23-03-17 om 10:49 schreef Jean Delvare:
> Apparently it requires a more recent version of mksh than we are
> shipping:
> $ echo $KSH_VERSION
> @(#)MIRBSD KSH R50 2014/06/29 openSUSE

That version is quite ancient, so you should consider upgrading it to
the latest. FYI, modernish <https://github.com/modernish/modernish>
currently detects the following bugs on it that are relevant for
cross-shell programming. All except BUG_LNNOALIAS, BUG_LNNOEVAL and
BUG_NOCHCLASS have been fixed in the current release. The former two are
fixed in current cvs. The latter is a design decision from Thorsten that
is nonetheless a bug in POSIX terms.

* BUG_CMDPV: 'command -pv' does not find builtins.

* BUG_CMDSPEXIT: preceding a special builtin with 'command' does not
stop it from exiting the shell if the builtin encounters an error.

* BUG_CMDVRESV: 'command -v' does not find reserved words such as "if".

* BUG_LNNOALIAS: $LINENO is always expanded to 0 when used within an alias.

* BUG_LNNOEVAL: $LINENO is always expanded to 0 when used in 'eval'.

* BUG_NOCHCLASS: POSIX-mandated character [:classes:] within bracket
[expressions] are not supported in glob patterns.

* BUG_PP_01: POSIX says that empty "$@" generates zero fields but empty
'' or "" or "$emptyvariable" generates one empty field. This means
concatenating "$@" with one or more other, separately quoted, empty
strings (like "$@""$emptyvariable") should still produce one empty
field. With this bug, this erroneously produces zero fields.

* BUG_PP_02: Like BUG_PP_01, but with unquoted $@ and only with
"$emptyvariable"$@, not $@"$emptyvariable".

* BUG_PP_03: Assigning the positional parameters to a variable using
either var=$* or var="$*" or both doesn't work as expected, using either
default, empty, unset or custom settings of $IFS.

* BUG_PP_04: Like BUG_PP_03, but for a default assignment within a
parameter substitution, i.e. ${var=$*} or ${var="$*"}.

* BUG_SELECTRPL: In a 'select' loop, input that is not a menu item is
not stored in the REPLY variable as it should be.

* BUG_TESTERR0: test/[ exits successfully (exit status 0) if an invalid
argument is given to an operator.

Hope this helps,

- M.

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