I added the capability for mirrors to add their own footers below all Open MPI content: just create a file named includes/mirror_footer.inc. Whatever you put there a) is not part of the OMPI repo, so it will never be overwritten, and b) will be PHP include()'d by every Open MPI web page. So you can even include PHP code in there, if you want to.
Note that this content is *in addition to* your tagline and flag at the bottom of every page. This mirror_footer.inc file is included below all of that. I added a short description of this file on the "want to become a mirror?" page (scroll all the way down to the bottom): http://www.open-mpi.org/community/mirrors/become-a-mirror.php Let me know if this is sufficient for you guys. Thanks! -- Jeff Squyres jsquy...@cisco.com For corporate legal information go to: http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/