To add to your excellent analogy with hammers,
Do you drive across town to get that one best hammer to drive one nail?

OT. I use PHP, I like PHP.
Perl Monks: PHP - it's "training wheels without the bike" -- Randal L.
Pretty accurate. (But imagine PHP if perl didn't exist;)

Way OT. I lurk on this list because it tends to tell me things I need to
as opposed to things I want to know.

-----Original Message-----
J.C. Roberts
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2005 4:10 AM
To: Eugene Hercun
Subject: Re: beginner, intermediate, and advanced scripting

On Sat, 14 May 2005 23:39:11 -0700, Eugene Hercun

>Thank you for your responses. Sorry I could not reply sooner since I
>went to work before I posted this e-mail. Anyway, I might have missed
>it, but did anyone recommend a book regarding scripting for BSD with
>I think were getting a little bit off topic in the last few posts... =)

Well, what else would you expect considering your post itself is
actually off topic for this list... ;-)

I own over fifty different types of hammers and each has a particular
use for which is was designed. Though most of them could drive a nail
into a piece of wood, some are better suited for that particular task
than others. In the end, what makes a "good" hammer comes down to the
task you will preform, the time you'll invest in completing it and the
time invested by others who must maintain your work.

When you're just starting out, it may seem like a waste of ether to
watch two knowledgable guys like Jason and Adam debate fine points,
but knowing those fine points will serve you well in making your own
decisions. There are a lot of ways to drive a nail and what works best
for *you* will take some experimentation on your part.

As for learning perl, RTFM. Once you get through the basic
documentation provided with perl, start reading other peoples code and
the free tutorials available on the web, then finally move onto
reading the books. The O'Reilly "Perl Bookshelf" is a good place to
start and a good value for the money if you insist on buying books.

Also, finding the right resources, mailing lists, web boards and the
like will definitely help a lot more than the OpenBSD lists. A good
place to find such things for perl is at the "monastery"

As for getting started:

Since you want to know why some people claim perl is a "good"
scripting language, there is only one single viable reason for the
claim; the reason is because you can write scripts with it. Obviously,
the same is true about many other languages. The term "good" is
subjective and always an invitation for debate.

As for general advice on learning perl, I can think of two things:

(1) Though it didn't exist when I learned perl, IMHO, the best advice
for a novice is to always put "use strict" in your scripts. The
flexibility of perl gives you enough rope to build a bridge across a
chasm or to quickly hang yourself and every one you know. Putting "use
strict" in your code will not prevent the latter but it can help you
avoid some of the less than obvious programming mistakes.

(2) Use the "long form" syntax in your code until you get really
familiar with the language. Like all languages that offer a "short
form" syntax, perl code written for brevity just looks like line noise
to the unindoctrinated. Knowing both/all long and short forms is
important but which works best for *you* is your own decision.


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