> > The MAC addresses are the same (should have though of checking that).
> > pppoesvc is not set.
>  Does your provider suggest setting one?

Heh, my provider proboably wouldn't know what PPPoE stands for. They
give me username and password, but that's it. Been meaning to switch,
actually (thinking of uklinux.net, alright alright but it's better
than ukwindows.net).

> >         dev: fxp1 state: session
> >         sid: 0xf636 PADI retries: 0 PADR retries: 0 time: 0:4:21
> >         inet --> netmask 0xffffffff
> >         inet6 fe80::2d0:b7ff:fedb:41f%pppoe0 ->  prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x9
>  This seems to think everything is A-OK (at least, during this snippet).

Well, by when I can get any access to the system everything is ok. It
seems to do it's connecting and disconnecting before sshd starts. I've
been relying on logs. (Can't think of another way without hacking up
the rc scripts)

>  What does 'spppcontrol -v pppoe0' tell you?

pppoe0: phase=network
        myauthproto=chap myauthname="*REMOVED*"

and the -v doesn't seem to make one difference as far as output is
concerned (not mentioned in man page either)

>  Have you tried without the link1 to see if the problem is in the
>  autodetect code? Are you setting a default route to the or do you
>  get it from someplace else?

GAH. Left link1 on accidentaly, can't notice a difference. I'm setting
default route to, yup. (See hostname.pppoe0 enclosed)

>  Does tcpdump on the fxp1 show anything useful? What about pppoe0? (e.g.
> stuff that is detected as being in the proper session etc)

Well, I can't access it easily while it's booting up so no idea.

Thanks again
--- START: hostname.pppoe0 (parts censored) ---
pppoedev fxp1 
!/usr/sbin/spppcontrol \$if myauthproto=chap myauthname=*REMOVED*
!/sbin/ifconfig \$if inet netmask 0xffffffff
!/sbin/route add default
--- END: hostname.pppoe0 (parts censored) ---

Random number generation is far too important to be left to chance!

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