Right, since there is still a big difference between reading the source
code and actually using the system.


> On Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 10:42:36AM -0600, Abraham Al-Saleh wrote:
>> I'm actually curious as to the apparent change of stance between
>> interviews.  In the last two interviews I've read, you've made it
>> clear that you've never used it, and had no comment. Am I missing
>> something? Just curious.
> You can read about all the security holes and bugs on various websites
> without ever having used the system.  Knowing of bugs and holes is not
> enough to comment on comparative functionality: you'd really need to use
> both OSes; however, it is sufficient for recognizing 'garbage'.
> --
> stephen

"checking whether you're still watching...probaly not :-)"
----/usr/ports/x11/wmx configure script.

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