On 07/07/05, Markus Wernig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Theo de Raadt wrote:
> >>2) I assume that the answer to the following question is "yes", but I'd
> >>like to double-check: Is there really no way to upgrade a single
> >>package/program to a recent version in a consistent way?
> >
> > No.  There is no particular need.
> Hmm. I just trust you, then? Given your and the team's reputation, this
> doesn't seem too hard. Yet, again, it might just be a question of my not
> being used to relinquishing control.

I am afraid that if you want even more control than OpenBSD provides,
you'll have to create your own OS. :-)

P.S. Actually, there are some rare times where you can upgrade one
component of the system. For example, OpenNTPD 3.6 is included in the
base install of OpenBSD 3.6. However, OpenNTPD 3.6.1 was released a
few months later and was supported as a [single programme] upgrade for
OpenBSD 3.6, if I am not mistaken. But this is rather an exception
than the regular course.


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