On Sat, 03 Sep 2005 at 10:31 -0600, jared r r spiegel wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2005 at 03:58:31PM +0100, Jason McIntyre wrote:
> >
> > yes, it was removed a little while ago. you can get the same
> > functionality from openssl(1) req. see also isakmpd(8).
>   i checked on the isakmpd(8), it gives an example how to make
>   a subjectAltName extension field using IP or FQDN, but
>   how does one make UFQDN now that certpatch is gone?
>   i did a 'find /usr/src -type f | xargs egrep -i "(u|user).*fqdn"',
>   but didn't find much who could hint me on how to add an
>   [x509v3_UFQDN] section to /etc/ssl/x509v3.cnf correctly.
>   i made a few random guesses and tried these type of things
>   individually:

hmm i don't relly know what you are doing wrong here but for me this
has worked almost any time.


CERTUFQDN must be provided as environment variable and you might
want to use it with somthing like that.

openssl genrsa -out $CERTDIR/$SUBJECT/$SUBJECT.key              \

openssl req -batch -config $REQUEST_CONFIG -sha1 -new           \
        -key $CERTDIR/$SUBJECT/$SUBJECT.key                     \
        -out $CERTDIR/$SUBJECT/$SUBJECT.csr

openssl x509 -req -sha1 -days $CERTDAYS                         \
        -in $CERTDIR/$SUBJECT/$SUBJECT.csr                      \
        -CA $CADIR/certs/ca.crt -CAkey $CADIR/private/ca.key    \
        -extfile $EXTFILE -extensions x509v3_FQDN               \
        -CAcreateserial -CAserial $CADIR/serial                 \
        -out $CERTDIR/$SUBJECT/$SUBJECT.crt                     \
        -passin env:PASSPHRASE

adding the section to you x509v3.cnf you should have something like:

# default settings
CERTPATHLEN             = 1
CERTUSAGE               = digitalSignature,keyCertSign
CERTIP                  =
CERTFQDN                = nohost.nodomain

# This section should be referenced when building an x509v3 CA
# Certificate.
# The default path length and the key usage can be overriden
# modified by setting the CERTPATHLEN and CERTUSAGE environment
# variables.

# This section should be referenced to add an IP Address
# as an alternate subject name, needed by isakmpd
# The address must be provided in the CERTIP environment variable

# This section should be referenced to add a FQDN hostname
# as an alternate subject name, needed by isakmpd
# The address must be provided in the CERTFQDN environment variable

# This section should be referenced to add a UFQDN hostname
# as an alternate subject name, needed by isakmpd
# The address must be provided in the CERTUFQDN environment variable

if you want to have a script doing this work for you i will upload


Darksun rising over blood red sea

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature]

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