Tim Hammerquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> [*] I would consider leaving PermitRootLogin enabled a firing
>     offense in itself.

PermitRootLogin is needed for rdisting.  Without that you end up
having to maintain N systems.


Protocol 2
PermitRootLogin without-password
PasswordAuthentication no
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
X11Forwarding yes
ClientAliveInterval  60
ClientAliveCountMax  30

If you only allow 2k RSA/DSA passwords you aren't exposing yourself to
appreciable added risk.  The only loose end is that sshd doesn't
currently log the RSA/DSA key that is used to gain access.  Ideally it
would record the comment field from ~/ssh/authorized_keys into
/var/log/authlog.  That way, as long as everyone had their own key,
you could always tell who logged in as root, same as the case of
trampoline logins via a normal use account.

Wolfgang S. Rupprecht                http://www.wsrcc.com/wolfgang/
      Microsoft Vista - because "Virus Installer" was too long.

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