On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 3:31 PM, Amit Kulkarni <amitk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 2011-04-07 0:57:10 Amit Kulkarni <amitkulz () gmail ! com> wrote:
>>> Is this in the FAQ? Never thought I would read such a question.
>> I will be sure to put it in the IFAQ for 5.0. B Along with "where is
>> the sea-urchin flavored frozen yogurt?" and "do these gloves make
>> my butt look big?"
> Can't some people get sarcasm? You are the second person to refer to
> this. Nick got it. Maybe a smiley would have reinforced the sarcasm...

You need to use the sarcasm tags: <sarcasm></sarcasm>

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