Surely there are two separate problems here: 1) you think OpenBSD needs to
work to open up loopholes so that people who aren't donating or aren't
donating as much because of tax reasons will now do so (and Amit thinks this
is a series of technical problems that can be solved by non-strategic and
sometimes non-sensical deliverables, such as finding a way to license
distribution of a product that in its original distribution requires no
license, which looks more like a tax avoidance or money laundering scheme than
a legitimate fundraising tool and in any case not like anything that sentients
will pay for in substantial numbers); and 2) you personally would like to give
more, it's just that your tax accountant can't find a way.

Maybe we could add a scheme where people pay OpenBSD for each time they don't
send mail to misc, even though they really want to? Or when they mail misc and
realise a few replies later they really ought to have thought better of it? Or
when they flame the hell out of someone on misc and feel a lot better for it.
There have to be the rudiments of a previously undiscovered licensing,
royalty, or subscription scheme in there somewhere. Maybe you could consult
Apple and discover that OpenBSD should demand 30% of your monthly bills for
Internet access from your ISP(s), on the view that you wouldn't use the
Internet if it weren't for OpenBSD.


On 21 Apr 2011, at 02:33, Benny Lofgren wrote:

> On 2011-04-21 02.51, Marco Peereboom wrote:
>> When ordering a CD it lets you tack on a donation.  Call it 20 CDs and
>> tax life is good.
> Yes I know, but as I tried to explain it doesn't help me if the receipt
> says "donation" or anything like it. You clearly don't know my
> :-)  A simple multi-license article on the order form with a proper article
> text on the invoice would let me "donate" while keeping my accountant
> as well as avoiding paying more taxes than necessary.
>> - or -
>> Order 20 CDs, give 19 away.
>> Not very hard...
> I don't think I can muster 19 willing recipients of a gift CD set among my
> friends to be honest... :-/  Besides, it may sound silly but I really don't
> like to waste resources, be it my money, someone elses or some finite
> natural resource (CD:s don't grow on trees, do they? :-) ).
> Really, I'd happily pay the same price for one CD set plus n-1 CD-less
> licenses (and hopefully get the same volume discount as well), and it would
> be a true win-win for everyone.
> Regards,
> /Benny

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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