On 7 June 2011 07:08, Thomas de Grivel <billi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Before even thinking of "fixing it" i'm trying to see if i'm alone in my
> quest. I like code correctness and feel what's done in OpenBSD is epic given
> the shitty language all the devs are dealing with. I love this much epic.

Please, C is very far from shitty, C is wonderful, although not
perfect and not "easily-parseable".

> Now if you want to know what code I'm writing, first I'm writing english
> because as you can see when a bring s-exp i'm answered "asm" and
> "brainfuck". Seriously did you even google the thing ?

Check your facts again, and see who said what, I'm quite fond of scheme.

> And i never criticized the semantics of the code. Just that it's a 1 month
> project to build a fudgy C lexer, when parsing s-exp is more powerful and
> takes 2 days while watching pr0n, and 2 hours without.
> This is clearly off topic, and don't mean to rewrite an OS but there clearly
> is a need for cleaner programming languages in this world. I used to love C
> and i'm still quite proficient at it but when i had a glimpse of Lisp i
> realized how narrow was my vision of programming. And how much i trusted the
> languages i used to mean something.

You're just passing though a *phase*, that's ok, it happens to all of
us when we learn lisp.
I'd advice getting back to reality now.

Now, think again, parsing a language is nice, but it's almost never
the most important thing.
You also should not try to convert old school unix hackers into
lispers, there may be rape.

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