On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 7:19 AM, Tobias Ulmer <tobi...@tmux.org> wrote:
> The getopt(3) function is inconsistent amongst operating systems and
> could use some polish in my opinion. Maybe there are technical reasons
> why this feature can't be implemented, but this discussion has certainly
> extinguished my curiosity about it.

inconsistent implementations are not the problem at all

if the system getopt is patched to always use  FLAG_PERMUTE like
getopt_long, then scripts that expect the old behaviour would have to
be changed. for example, /etc/rc.d/rc.subr:

-rcexec="su -l -c ${daemon_class} -s /bin/sh ${daemon_user} -c"
+rcexec="su -l -c ${daemon_class} -s /bin/sh -- ${daemon_user} -c"

going through all the scripts is a bigger problem than some other os
using another implementation with remarkably different semantics

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