On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 06:28:55PM -0800, Johan Beisser wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 5:54 PM, Erling Westenvik
> <erling.westen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > After upgrading (re-installing from scratch) my firewall from 4.6 (or
> > 4.7) to 5.0, I have not been able to get OpenVPN back working. Please
> > forgive me for asking here at misc but I have spent two days Googling,
> > reading tons of HOWTO's and trying out different solutions, but without
> > being able to solve the issue.
> What are your current pf.conf rules? Did you check that the syntax is
> right? Have you checked it for errors? Have you looked at the output
> for pflog?
> What's your current routing table? Does that look correct?

pf.conf should be ok. It is the same as it was under the previously
working setup. Everything on my wired lan ( is working, and
wireless clients ( get dhcp addresses both for their wlan-
interface as well as for their tun-interface. I have tried with "pass
quick"-rules for the latter interfaces but with no difference. Pinging
the accesspoint ( from a wireless client, works.

As for routing tables I'm quite a noob and I have been wondering if
everything could be about the bridge0-interface?

# route show
Routing tables
Destination        Gateway            Flags Refs   Use   Mtu Prio Iface
default            c01A05AC1.dhcp.blu UGS      3 20949     -    8 url0 
loopback           localhost          UGRS     0     0 33196    8 lo0  
localhost          localhost          UH       2    86 33196    4 lo0  
192.168.2/24       link#5             UC       1     0     -    4 acx0      00:16:ea:b3:65:d0  UHLc     1  1129     -    4 acx0 
192.168.3/24       link#2             UC       2     0     -    4 bge0      00:1e:4f:95:19:1d  UHLc     1 24936     -    4 bge0      fe:e1:ba:da:9e:7a  UHLc     0   401     -    4 bge0 
c00A05AC1.dhcp.blu link#6             UC       2     0     -    4 url0 
c01A05AC1.dhcp.blu 00:90:1a:42:6d:81  UHLc     2   113     -    4 url0 
c96A45AC1.dhcp.blu localhost          UGHS     0     0 33196    8 lo0  
c5FAC5AC1.dhcp.blu 00:90:1a:42:6d:81  UHLc     0     4     -    4 url0 
BASE-ADDRESS.MCAST localhost          URS      0     0 33196    8 lo0  


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