2011/12/16 Erling Westenvik <erling.westen...@gmail.com>
>  Links to foolproof HOWTO's will be much
> appreciated!

Nature has thwarted all attempts to make such HOWTOs by make ever
better fools, which probably is why you:

> > > > > ...but I have spent two days Googling,
> > > > > reading tons of HOWTO's and trying out different solutions, but
> > > > > being able to solve the issue.

Not to say you are a fool, but HOWTOs for anything else than the most
simple stuff can't cover all cases, which means you still must
understand things or the HOWTO will not help you and instead lead you
astray in the wrong direction, making you look foolish when you in
reality wanted help. In the long run, learning the stuff you attempt
to do instead of wasting two days following someone elses bad advice
is better spent.

 To our sweethearts and wives.  May they never meet. -- 19th century toast

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