On 03/11/2012 08:10 PM, Remco wrote:
Kaya Saman wrote:


I'm trying to compile the latest NTOP version 4.1.0 on OpenBSD RELEASE
5.0 x64 but am running into issues regarding automake and autoconfig.

Basically I installed:



The install script comes up saying this:

# ./autogen.sh

Starting ntop automatic configuration system v.0.2.3

    Please be patient, there is a lot to do...

1. Testing gnu tools....

You must have automake installed to compile ntop.
Download the appropriate package for your distribution, or get the
source tarball from ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/automake
       We recommend version 1.6.3 or higher

You must have autoconf installed to compile autogen.sh.
Download the appropriate package for your distribution, or get the
source tarball from ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/autoconf
       We recommend version 2.53 or higher

It's weird because both packages are installed and have confirmed that
running: find / -name auto(conf and make).

Can anyone suggest anything?

try: automake --version
      autoconf --version

The messages should be self-explanatory if you didn't define certain
environment variables, e.g., I have this in my environment:
$ set |grep AUTO

automake --version
autoconf --version

come up with this

# automake --version
Provide an AUTOMAKE_VERSION environment variable, please
# autoconf --version
Provide an AUTOCONF_VERSION environment variable, please


set |grep AUTO

also doesn't display anything???

However, the packages are installed in /usr/local/bin which is confirmed using **find**

....actually just seeing this now it turns out that automake is proceeded by a version number.

So it works then I guess but why can't Ntop install script pick it out?

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