On 4/04/2012 04:17, Miod Vallat wrote:
Yes. US layout here as well. But, as Renzo Fabriek points out in a
>  later post, this does seem to be a problem in console. Not in X. I'm
>  sorry, I don't know if this was explicitly mentioned in your posts,
>  but I didn't find a reference to it being a console issue.
>  I can confirm the issue in console mode.
So can I. I'll fix it in a couple seconds; in the meantime you can use:

   # wsconsctl keyboardN.map+="keycode 99 = KP_Delete KP_Decimal"

to fix this (N being the wskbd device number of the USB keyboard).

OR, where you have an older system and can't update yet, put the arguments in the above command into /etc/wsconsctl.conf


# Fix for USB keyboard keypad Del/. key
keyboardN.map+="keycode 99 = KP_Delete KP_Decimal"

Thank you heaps for the quick fix, Miod. Vous jtes l'homme!

Thanks to Richard, Renzo, Patrick as well. Without their help I might still be wondering if I wasn't losing the plot.

In any case I am amazed that the bug has been around for years and nobody used the keypad "." on a USB keyboard.


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