On 06/07/2012 04:21 PM, Tomasz Marszal wrote:

Yes i red it as well as the FreeBSD handbook section about PXE.
So my idea is to install bsd system then install gnome then tar the
installed system make img from tar.
Later configure dhcp and tftp and nfs on a PXE server. Put bsd.rd and other
files mentioned in OpenBSD FAQ into tftpboot directory and put the image to
your nfs server. Enable PXE on booted machine obtain ip address from dhcp
and kernel with bsd.rd from tftp then in shell mount nfs (as described in
handbook)  and dd system.img from it to local hdd finaly reboot and here we
go :)

Heh, I started off setting up an enviroment for pxe bsd.rd boots to aid in installs...
started getting into it...

now I have three diskless(8) machines and I am eyeing a few others.

*sigh* I'm terrible

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