On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 12:47:18PM +1100, Ioan Nemes wrote:
> It in not the question of sshd works or, not!  In large environments,
> where you have a large number of legacy hardware (like Apollo 700,
> HP 3000, HP 7000, Solaris 2.5.1 etc., etc.), and the purpose of a UNIX
> box is other than to run a firewall, a webserver, mail-server, or
> MySQL,
> plus you have thousand + users, and clients (internal/external on
> different
> client platforms), yes it is bad not have telnetd running.  Matthew is
> quite
> right, telnet is live and will be for very long time.  It was a bad
> choice
> to be removed from the source tree.  You reduce your options.


telnetd (note the 'd') was removed. telnet is still there. you can
telnet to your old systems. just use ssh to get to your openbsd
systems. or am I misunderstanding the problem?

-- Carson Harding - harding (at) motd (dot) ca

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