> both of which are more or less crappy xterm (not vt100, not vt220) emulators
 The fact that they consume less, work faster, have clean and actually readable 
which you can hack through without symptoms of nausea -- all these make tham 
crappier than
the xterm?! All the cars in the world more or less emulate each other, have a 
wheel and
engine, so screw the innovation! Let's stick with that Ford Model T vehicle, 
it's a real

Really, no offence please, I just simply don't get it.

As for GCC, I guess, I realize the complexity of the problem. Still, why not 
make a split.
Like Clang for i386/amd64 guys with all the new and fancy and then make a 
transition slowly phasing out aging architectures?

Regards, Hans.

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