I notice a lot of people have suggested "use an emulator," as if that had never 
occurred to the OpenBSD developers before, but nobody has volunteered to verify 
that the available emulators are good enough to actually replace real hardware.

Also, I don't understand why anyone thinks emulation would reduce the power 
bill.  Even assuming the OpenBSD developers were interested in using emulators 
it's not like they're just going to install one and then power down the old 
machines.  The old hardware would still run while they're validating the 
emulators, and that process would probably take a really long time.  So there's 
no potential cost savings for a really long time, and in the meantime some of 
the devs are now distracted from actually working on OpenBSD because they're so 
busy verifying the accuracy of the emulators.

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