
I would love to subscribe to the monthly donation on:


but I need to ask, say a few things before:

1) The
is redirecting to http://www.obtuse.com/
why? HTTPS should work properly or it shouldn't be there.

2) What is the status of the funding? The CAD$(?) 20,000?

3) Are there any subscriptions too or there are only one-time donations?

4) Could Theo or anyone from the OpenBSD team contact any vendors, or has
the project any bigger subscription donator already?

5) If something would happen to Theo (which __I don't want or wish__), who
would be the project leader? Son or daughter? Or any lead developers? Are
there any plans for this?
In the book: Absolute OpenBSD (2nd) which came out at April of 2013 says
only one sentence about this:
"Theo takes whatever actions necessary to keep the OpenBSD Project running
smoothly. If something should ever happen to Theo, the project does have
plans for replacing him."
So is this true? (just asking, you understand: I know this is not a one man
project, but are there any people around taking the responsibility to say
they can be the project leader of the worlds most secure OS?)

6) "off:" If OpenSSH is deployed widely in the world, wouldn't it be nice
to put the donation URL in it? (man page or after install)

@Theo: Thanks for __everything__ & keep up the good work!
@Anyone who donated: Thanks for every $!

Have a nice day!

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