previously on this list Andy contributed:

> OpenBSD is a learning curve but one which 
> will pay off if you persevere (especially if you're trying to use it for 
> network services).

This is the best, perhaps only way to answer the question as there are
many reasons mainly coming down to security being I won't say the
priority or certainly absolute priority but given a lot of importance.

Security bugs in the linux kernel are bugs and any security issues are
less important. If a port is considered dangerous like wireshark was it
is removed to avoid encouraging it but users can still build it of
course. I would guess as the job is made difficult by a bugs a bug that
the "two remote holes" statement would atleast be in two or three digits
for just the linux kernel by now.

Correct code takes priority over adding features but you would be
surprised at the rate of features being added and the features OpenBSD
has that Linux does not.


'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
universal interface'

(Doug McIlroy)

In Other Words - Don't design like polkit or systemd

I have no idea why RTFM is used so aggressively on LINUX mailing lists
because whilst 'apropos' is traditionally the most powerful command on
Unix-like systems it's 'modern' replacement 'apropos' on Linux is a tool
to help psychopaths learn to control their anger.

(Kevin Chadwick)


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