Hi again,

just to "close" this case I'd like to mention that my problems with this setup 
were caused by some faulty pf.conf rules, which had not been adapted to the 
cluster config beforehand, i.e. it works now.   :)


>Physical NIC -> trunk interface -> vlan interface = physical interface of the
>carpdev ->  carpdev -> virtual IP  (no IP on the vlan interface)
>I tested this setup and experienced unpredictable transitions from and to
>master/backup state on different carp groups configured that way and also
>unstable connections with >50% packet loss. I strictly followed the carp/pfsync
>configuration guidance in respect of advskew, sysctl.conf options and so on.
>So I wondered if this may have been caused by the "no IP" configuration.

Christoph Peus
Universität Witten/Herdecke
Bereich Informationstechnologie
Tel:  +49 2302 926-212
Fax: +49 2302 926-44857

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