On Fri, Aug 01, 2014 at 07:47:51PM +0100, Kevin Chadwick wrote:
> I wonder if a short list of access mode capable devices or chipsets
> that are known to work well for atleast 24 hours or maybe 60 days would
> be a good addition to the access point section of the faq (6.13)
> especially with OpenBSD being such a good system to use as an access
> point.
> In the mailing lists sthen suggests pci atheros are more stable so
> perhaps a couple of those device names could go in and then whatever
> particular chipsets or even driver type that is thought most reliable in
> hostap mode could go in too?
> For example I was considering trying a rum driver and was completely
> unsure about it despite some mailing list searches and then read the
> man page caveat section and so won't. I guess atheros was right but I
> should look into a card type or another chipset.
> I'm sure many use wireless a lot more than me so if you've had a
> reliable experience with OpenBSD as an wpa2 access point then perhaps
> you could list it here or look up your devices chipset at
> https://wikidevi.com/wiki/Main_Page and list that.
> Cheers,
>       Kc
> -- 
> _______________________________________________________________________
> 'Write programs that do one thing and do it well. Write programs to work
> together. Write programs to handle text streams, because that is a
> universal interface'
> (Doug McIlroy)
> In Other Words - Don't design like polkit or systemd
> _______________________________________________________________________

I have been using this:

athn0 at pci7 dev 0 function 0 "Atheros AR5418" rev 0x01: apic 0 int 17
athn0: MAC AR5418 rev 2, RF AR5133 (2T3R), ROM rev 8

... in hostap mode for over a year and a half without any issues. And yes,
it's doing WPA2. I know other people have said that hostap mode is not
stable but on this machine it's been rock solid. It's a mini pcie card
inside a soekris 6501.


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