I just set up a new OpenBSD 5.5 gateway for a small nonprofit. The
gateway has one external interface and one internal, with the internal
network split into several VLANs: one for secure traffic, one for
guests, one for internal phones, and one for our external Asterisk phone

I'm trying to use queues to set up QoS for the Asterisk server. There is
limited bandwidth in our location, and we would like to ensure that the
Asterisk server has priority over other traffic. I would prefer a
bandwidth specification over a simple priority, but either would be

However, I believe that pf queues are tied to an outbound interface.
None of the rules I have attempted on the internal interface have
matched at all. I can specify each vlan explicitly, but the internal
interface itself doesn't seem to match any packets. tcpdump shows
traffic passing both in and out when I specify the internal interface.

I am confused about the relationship between the physical interface and
the vlan interfaces in pf. I would also like to know if there are any
suggestions for how to set up the queues in order to provide QoS for
phone traffic.

My current pf.conf is hosted in a gist here:


Eric Dilmore (geppettodivacin)

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