On 2014-11-07, Steve Williams <st...@williamsitconsulting.com> wrote:
> Having the ports.tar.gz that corresponds to the snapshot you install is 
> nice because 2 months down the road you can compile/install something 
> that will work on your system even when there is no package available 
> that will work on your system.
> If you try to cvs up your ports to -current 2 months after installing a 
> snapshot, odds are that something won't compile. OpenBSD works FANTASTIC 
> as long as you keep things consistent. Follow base, -current, or 
> snapshots.  Don't try to mix and match and you should have smooth sailing.

You can always "cvs up -D 2014/10/01" or similar ... I don't think
I ever used ports.tar.gz. But then, if I'm running -current and packages
don't install, I usually take that as a cue to spend 10 minutes or so
updating the system and packages ;)

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