Dear Stuart,
From: Stuart Henderson <>
Sent:  Tue, 2 Dec 2014 10:40:22 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: Staying -current with cvsup or cvsync
On 2014-11-28, Jungle Boogie <> wrote:
Hello All,

For the last several updates I've applied to my system, I've used plain CVS:
cvs -q up -Pd

This is pretty slow for some reason, but I understand that's just how CVS works.

I just timed an update of /usr/ports on my laptop at 63 seconds. That's fetching
from a good anoncvs server, with /usr/ports on SSD and mounted like this

/dev/sd1j on /usr/ports type ffs (local, noatime, nodev, nosuid, softdep)

63 seconds is quite impressive! I've got a pata drive with only:
(local,  nodev)

How often do you fetch/rebuild?

I plan on making a low power router (not really looking at the APU devices anymore) and in that, I'll use SSD or msata.

Does this mean cvssup is no longer used?

Correct, the server side was written in Modula-3 which on OpenBSD has only
ever been ported to i386 (most anoncvs servers are now running amd64) and
it was not widely used, so wasn't worth the maintenance headache and extra
exposure on servers.

Well the book I referenced is from 2003, when i386 was common and 3.1 & 3.2 were out so it's not surprising that technological advancements have been made. ;)

Then I came across cvsync:

Is cvsync preferred now?

CVSup was able to either mirror the full repository, or make a checkout.
The method you were looking at for CVSup was just for making a checkout.
(This was quite widely used by FreeBSD in the past, but in OpenBSD the main
method of users fetching the tree was from anoncvs mirrors).

cvsync is only used for mirroring the full repo. Useful if connectivity
between you and an anoncvs mirror isn't very fast, or if you want to hack
offline and still be able to make diffs etc. Unlike CVSup it cannot do
a direct checkout.

I used to run a local cvsync mirror at home. But then the anoncvs server
I used had some upgrades and got much faster so I now just fetch directly
from there, unless I am going to be travelling and want an up-to-date
local copy of the tree on my laptop.

Now that I understand what cvsync is, I don't think it would have saved me any time with the updates as the longest time seems like my HDD searching for data, not the actual transmit.

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