I've used MOC quite a bit on OpenBSD, though just a local compile -
nothing fancy like a port. It's probably the only non-base program I
ever use on the Sparc 5.

What specifically is missing?

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 8:00 PM, Richard Toohey
<richardtoo...@paradise.net.nz> wrote:
> Hi, guys.
> This might be more a question for ports@ but it is also a general "do you
> use it" question.
> I've been trying to help the MOC maintainer with testing changes on OpenBSD.
> He wants to use some newer POSIX features but it seems that if he does so,
> he'll have to leave OpenBSD behind.  I say "it seems" because I might have
> led him in the wrong direction.
> I'm definitely not the best person to advise him, so asking the general
> OpenBSD crowd if:
> (1) they use MOC or
> (2) have any interest in support for it on OpenBSD or
> (3) can help with the POSIX questions.
> The maintainer has asked the same question on a MOC forum:
> http://moc.daper.net/node/1369
> Thanks,
> Richard.

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