> >> Please how is one supposed to verify the integrity of an official 
> >> OpenBSD 5.6 commercial CD set, bought on the OpenBSD store and 
> >> received by physical mail? [...]
> > 
> > Each directory on the CD is signed using signify and the 5.6 keys 
> > listed at http://www.openbsd.org/56.html [...]
> Thanks, but I was hoping for a method that would also verify the CD boot
> process, and that would not require downloading and installing a second
> image or trusting the CD to verify itself.

Don't see a nice way of doing what you want.

> On a side note, CD #2 (amd64, powerpc, song) includes more than 15Mb of
> space not directly allocated in files (excluding the audio track):

The ISO format that allows an audio track after a data track unfortunately
requires a pretty significant gap, and a pad after the audio.  I've lost
hair over this.  Really wish I had access to a CD expert who could help me
improve this.

So you've hashed the whole CDs.  There are very few people who will do this
as a verification method, so few that it feels unreasonable.

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