On Wed, Mar 04, 2015 at 01:22:55PM GMT, Ed Ahlsen-Girard wrote:

> First method: mount all the slices in /tree and run a series of cp -R
> as root. Files seemed to get there but something was not right with
> permissions when I tried booting the new disk, so I dropped back and
> did some research.

You have forgotten '-p' option - from 'man 1 cp':

    Preserve in the copy as many of the modification time, access time,
    file flags, file mode, user ID, and group ID as allowed by

In the same manual, however, it reads:

     However, cp copies hard linked files as separate files.  To
     preserve hard links, use a utility such as pax(1) or tar(1)

So using 'cp' to, effectively, mirror the disk, is not the best of

> Reinstalled, mounted the new slices as before, and ran:
> #!/bin/sh
> tar -cXf - /* | tar -xpf - -C /tree
> tar -cXf - /home/* | tar -xpf - -C /tree/home 
> tar -cXf - /usr/* | tar -xpf - -C /tree/usr 
> tar -cXf - /usr/X11R6/* | tar -xpf - -C /tree/usr/X11R6 
> tar -cXf - /usr/local/* | tar -xpf - -C /tree/usr/local 
> tar -cXf - /usr/obj/* | tar -xpf - -C  /tree/usr/obj 
> tar -cXf - /usr/src/* | tar -xpf - -C /tree/usr/src 
> tar -cXf - /var/* | tar -xpf - -C /tree/var 
> I had copied the new disk's fstab so that the duids were right when I
> started from it.
> Results were interesting. I got another copy of /home inside
> /tree/home, as well as what I wanted in it, and youtube-dl turns out
> to make filenames too long for tar. Nevertheless, I could log in as
> myself. But running my usual packages at login didn't work: file not
> found.

That's because the syntax is wrong - your working directory ('-C')
should have been '/tree' in all of the above.

Also, drop the asterisk '*'.

You could have shortened it all to:

tar -cXf - / | tar -xpf - -C /tree
for i in /home /usr /var ; do tar -cf - $i | tar -xpf - -C /tree ; done

> Should I have not tried to save that much time?

You could have simply reinstalled OpenBSD on the new disk, copied the
crucial data (i.e. '/home') and reinstalled ports/packages, but copying
the data using 'tar' would have taken much less time... provided you got
it right the first time ;^)

> I thought tar | tar would get everything. Do I need to install the
> packages on the new disk? Is this a time that pkg_check is my friend?

Fix it using the above info, and reinstalling packages should not be



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