> On May 8, 2015, at 9:30 AM, Marko Cupać <marko.cu...@mimar.rs> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am reading 2nd edition of "Absolute OpenBSD 2nd Edition" and can't
> but notice paragraph "Confidentiality" on XXX page of Introduction:
> ---cut-here---
> Confidentiality
> This means that secret data should remain secret. Your private infor-
> mation must not get into the public eye. That Eastern European kiddie
> porn syndicate should not get your credit card number.
> ---cut-here---
> This sound quite nazi to me. Should Western European kiddie porn
> syndicate be able to get my credit card number, as opposed to Eastern
> European kiddie porn syndicate, which should not? Or does that mean
> that kiddie porn syndicate exists only in Eastern Europe, but not in -
> let's say - New Zealand or Canada?
> I guess this was intended to be a joke, but in my opinion it sucks.

Marko, you're right, this joke is culturally insensitive. You should take that 
up with the author of the book. 

However, before you do, you should understand the joke is not completely 
unfounded. I recommend reading Brian Krebs's Spam Nation to better understand 
the context of the joke.

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